A collection of music for Male Voice,
Female Voice and Mixed Voice choirs
‘Gig Night’, with words and music by Douglas Cook, depicts tired crews returning to St Mary’s harbour for a pint at The Mermaid pub, at the end of an energetic day’s gig racing.
‘A Fishy Tale’ is a setting of words by Dora Laity, a member of the Penzance Ladies Choir - a story of fishy romance, disappointment and hope.
‘Lesley’s Song’ is a setting of words by Paul Hickson, a member of Marazion Apollo Male Choir, and based on his own melodies.
‘Early One Morning’ sets the familiar English folk song in an usual way. Each verse is taken by a different group in the choir and the mood of each verse ranges from idyllic through playful to anguished.
‘Love Bade Me Welcome’ sets the ambiguous words of the 17th century metaphysical poet George Herbert for unaccompanied SATB choir.
‘Trelawny’ is a fairly straightforward arrangemnt of the familiar Cornish anthem.
At the request of a friend I have set the words of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis for unaccompanied SATB and without the customary organ interludes, perhaps suitable for a concert environment.
Choral Music
for Male Voice Choir
Gig Night - TTBB
for Female Voice Choir
A Fishy Tale - SSA
Lesley’s Song - SSA
for Mixed Voice Choir
Early One Morning - SATB
Love Bade Me Welcome - SATB
Trelawny - SATB
Magnificat & Nunc Dimittis - SATB